Monday, September 15, 2008


Leah has bronchitis and will be home for a week. She had a croup attack Thursday night, developed a fever over the weekend while she was at her dad's house and this morning was coughing so hard that she threw up her breakfast. When I took her to the pediatrician he was stunned at how much fluid was in her lungs. She's not acting sick, she's bouncing around, so it is hard to convince her to rest.

Sunday School is going well -- we sewed beanbags last week and filled them with rice so we can do throwing and catching games while we recite whatever it is that we want to memorize. Storywise we are on Exodus, with last week being the parting of the Red Sea. Next Sunday we will review that story and then move on to Manna and Quail. Also we will do the first Form Drawing lesson: straight line and curve. The children got permission from the trustees to paint an old rolling bulletin board with chalkboard paint so that I can do chalkboard drawings of our stories (a Waldorf-y thing I've always been dying to try) so we will sand it and paint it with chalkboard paint on Sunday. I got a lovely blue. This way I don't have to color the sky, just whatever is going on in the scene.

I also am going to be working on a baby Moses doll. The children and I decided on Black Boucle hair and Mocha skin from Magic Cabin, so I am ordering it now.

This week is my first Toddler Storytime, the story of The Little Red Hen. Next I have to make finger puppets to tell it with. I haven't decided between Suzanne's finger puppet animals book or the patterns in Feltcraft. Or there's needle felting... Yesterday I made a lovely angel for a dear friend. It is so renewing to the spirit to do felt sculpture, I don't know why. The materials are just so warm, if the wool is plant dyed it is so lovely, and the process of sculpture means that you have to pull up a really clear image in your mind of what you are making and you make a very meaningful connection with it. To do an angel calls up in your soul visions of angels, and it is wonderful.

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