Thursday, October 8, 2020

Robert McClung - "The Story of"

I am just finishing up packing another set of distance learning tote bags, and I am thinking about the wonderful book Spike: The Story of a Whitetail Deer. I got my copy from a library discard sale. It is the very best book to give to a child who still needs large print and a lot of white space on a page, but wants to hold a book that doesn't look like an early reader. It looks thicker, like a chapter book, and it has a hard cover. Yet, the reading is so comfortable. And the topic is so interesting! It never fails to engage kids.

Well, I was on Amazon creating a link and I saw that there was just *one* review. I scrolled down to read it and found that, like me, the reviewer raved about this book for her 10 year old son who is later to read. But then I saw that Robert McClung wrote more books like this one! I am so excited! Here is what I have managed to discover so far.

Of course, they are all out of print (like the best early readers seem to always be), so you'll likely be buying VERY hard to find ex-library books:

You can see how well-loved they are by how expensive they are. You'd have to watch like a hawk for a deal. Anyone who is in the business of bringing books back into print... it appears these books would be an excellent choice!

UPDATE 01/03/2024
Thank you, Purple House Press (which focuses on bringing excellent vintage children's books back into print) for publishing Buzztail and Leaper!!

This post contains affiliate links to materials I truly use for homeschooling. Qualifying purchases provide me with revenue. Thank you for your support!

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