Saturday, July 16, 2022

Georgia O'Keeffe in Hawai'i

We just took a quick break from the super-fun Magnificent Modern Art course to look at a little mini-course Lotus put together about Georgia O'Keeffe's 1939 trip to Hawai'i to paint pineapples. I have been so excited to share this with the students I'm Zoom tutoring, since they live in Hawai'i! Finally, we got to a good spot in the 100 years of art history in which to talk about it.

Portrait of Georgia O’Keeffe in Hawaii, 1939. Via Wikimedia Commons.

I've taught about Georgia O'Keeffe before, so I just want to compile some quick notes here.

Favorite picture book bios:

Favorite art projects:

    Georgia O'Keeffe Flowers for the 2017 Homemade Calendars

    India ink is not expensive. This project takes two days, however.

    On Day 1, read a book about Georgia O'Keeffe and show some of her artwork. Talk about the bird's eye view versus the bug's eye view. Let them draw their flowers on 12 x 12 white cardstock with a pencil. Then mix India ink with glue in a yogurt cup and stir with a craft stick. You'll need to throw both the yogurt cup and craft stick away when you're done. Pour (no funnel needed) into an extra glue bottle with a tight closing lid. Warn children that the glue will be runnier, due to the ink, and so not as much pressure is needed as with regular all purpose glue. They MUST go slowly. The glue lines will dry overnight.

    On Day 2, use chalk pastels to color in your flower. Spray with fine hairspray to preserve.

    Note: We later used this method to make amazing black glue & chalk pastel Trilobites for the Timeline of Life Calendars.

Students absolutely LOVE this art project and will spend a ton of time on it!

blending tiny specks of many colors to get it just right


And, let's not forget our 2018 Class Play "The Fantastic Art Show"!

Georgia O'Keeffe was one of the featured artists in that project as well.

By the way, my absolute favorite thing about that play was the enormous time machine the children made. Thank you to Jim for helping us with it!

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