Monday, July 4, 2022

One (& Two) Word Books

As my youngest child moves ever closer to being a reader, we have worked our way through lists of Wordless Picture Books and Rebus Picture Books. I've even found books written ALL in capital letters, which is super-helpful for the Waldorf first grader learning to read (that list now has its own post).

Now I'm making a new list. Books which only have one word in them. These books require you to say the one word in different kinds of voices depending on what is happening on the page. I think he'll love them. Here we go!!!



    by Arthur Geisert - oink

    Oink Oink

    by Arthur Geisert - oink


    by Mary Sullivan - ball


    by Mary Sullivan - treat



    by David LaRochelle - moo, baa


    by Mercer Mayer - hiccup, boo


    by Ed Vere - banana, please

As always, if you know of books which should be on this list, let me know.

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