Saturday, July 2, 2022

Stopwatch Series

Reading Rainbow strikes again!

I've been keeping track of the books read (and recommended) in each episode as Zac and I watch a few in the summer between first and second grade. It has been lovely and low-key and a very suitable introduction to educational television. Today we enjoyed the episode called Is This a House for Hermit Crab? and one of the books recommended was Spider's Web.

When I looked it up I found it's part of an educational book series which features "stopwatch" step-by-step photography... and they look fantastic! Here are the titles I've found so far:

And this is definitely from the Stopwatch series but I don't know what it is!

It looks to me like the Stopwatch series is older and long ago out of print, and the Watch It Grow series is newer -- using the same photographs -- but out of print as well. He also did an amazing Keeping Minibeasts book series.

It's too bad that when they re-released the series they took out some of the really cool titles like Earwig and Newt and Stickleback. I think vintage nonfiction books for children are so much better than the modern ones!

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