Saturday, July 30, 2022

MMA - René Magritte

This summer a tutoring client and I are going through the Magnificent Modern Art course from Art History Kids together. It's been really interesting so far. Art History isn't something I ever really learned about, so it's new to me. And so, of course, I'm going to keep some notes here as we go along!

Last week it was the Harlem Renaissance and the artist Elizabeth Catlett.

This week we are studying

René Magritte
Surrealism (1942 - 1966)

sample artwork from the art movement

    Salvador Dali
    The Persistence of Memory

    Leonora Carrington

    Marc Chagall
    The Promenade

sample artwork from this artist

    Time Transfixed

    The Treachery of Images

    The Blank Signature

focus piece of art from this artist

    The Son of Man

element & principle of art and design


other notes (my suggestions)

Sadly, I don't have swell paper or a heat diffusing machine... but I did once have a very old photocopier machine in my classroom that actually gave us a textured paper when we printed this out! It was wonderful for the kids to experience. If I had known that all photocopiers don't give the same result I would have printed a hundred so that I always had them for future classes!

and more...

Magritte, Master of Surrealism, Joins the $100 Million Dollar Club
The New York Times - Nov 19, 2024

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