Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

We are loving this Newbery-winning read aloud story for U.S. History / Famous Inventors. It's also a great biography for grade 8 Age of Revolution!

Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

by Jean Lee Latham

We stop often to talk about what is happening in the story, mainly so that I can provide more historical context. Here are a few notes I've made so far:

chapter 1: The Good-luck Spell

    find Salem MA on a map

    negative numbers (easiest to show with the Mortensen material)

    silver shilling

chapter 2: The Privateers

chapter 3: Word from the Pilgrim

    one room schoolhouse

    Battle of Lexington

    slate & slate pencil from Colonial Williamsburg

    quill pen & black walnut ink

    Harvard University

chapter 4: "Boys Don't Blubber"


    Treaty of Paris

chapter 5: A Voice in the Night

    indentured servitude

chapter 6: "Sail by Ash Breeze!"

    word sum: be + calm + ed

chapter 7: The Almanac

chapter 8: "Lock, Stock, and Bookkeeper"

    Isaac Newton's Principia

chapter 9: Anchor to Windward

    stitiching samplers

    The Antique Sampler Set

    discard all the embroidery floss in this kit and replace with DMC

chapter 10: Freedom

    the Big Dipper and the North Star

chapter 11: What Next?

    freedom of speech

    we also talked about flag burning as being protected free speech

    War of 1812 and impressment

    yellow fever

    Fever 1793

    by Laurie Halse Anderson

chapter 12: Down to the Sea (we spent two days on this chapter)

    Roaring Forties of the North Atlantic

    look at a globe and find 40th parallel north (circle of latitude)

    candle flame and carbon dioxide

    Cape of Good Hope

    latitude & longitude lesson

    approximate our latitude & longitude using a globe, then look it up

    how latitude was measured - daytime - by the sun's angle in the sky

    Anno's Sundial

    by Mitsumasa Anno

    look back at sundial experiment we did in the fall and redo it

    (we did this on 09/14/2022 and 04/18/2023)

    how longitude was measured - nighttime

    chronometer - what time the sun rose as compared to London

    we should get a sextant! (how to use a sextant)

chapter 13: Discovery

    Bourbon is called Réunion Island today

    pass out world maps for children to keep and record Nat's voyages (Carson-Dellosa "The World" CD-3093)

    add to map:
    Salem MA
    Cape of Good Hope
    Réunion Island
    voyage of the Henry

chapter 14: Nineteen Guns

    review terminology of landforms & water features (using Word Study Classification box S5 and Colored Globe of the Continents)

chapter 15: "Sail Ho-o-o-o-o!" (we spent two days on this chapter)

    angle of the globe

    East India Company

    look through country flags in Continent Race to find ones that resemble the flag of England, and check if they were once colonies

    water phosphorescence (algae)
    episode 5, "Ocean," of Wild Isles narrated by David Attenborough
    (14:00 - 15:41)

chapter 16: A Simple Matter of Mathematics

chapter 17: Lunars and Moonlight

chapter 18: The Astrea to the Rescue

chapter 19: Strange Sailing Orders

chapter 20: Book Sailing

chapter 21: "Sealing is Safer"

chapter 22: Science and Sumatra

chapter 23: Captain Bowditch Commanding

chapter 24: Man Against the Fog

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