Saturday, April 1, 2023

Grade 7 Age of Exploration - The Inca Empire

So, speaking of Waldorf Class Plays (see previous post), we were chatting about creating something that would go with the Age of Exploration block that's traditionally done in Grade Seven. It got me thinking about resources I have for the Inca. Here are some books that immediately came to mind:

Discovering the Inca Ice Maiden: My Adventures on Ampato

by Johan Reinhard

25 Plays Inspired by Waldorf Teachers

edited by David Mitchell

"The Girl from the Sky: A Play for Grade Six or Seven based on an Incan Legend in Peru," pp.177-184
by Helen-Ann Ireland, Honolulu Waldorf School

When play scripts are available on OWL, that really is the best because it's easier to print a PDF than to break the spine of a book photocopying it!

Agnesi to Zeno: Over 100 Vignettes from the History of Math

by Sanderson M. Smith
Quipu Background
"The Knotty Records of the Inca," p.63

Math and Science Across Cultures: Activities and Investigations from the Exploratoreum

by Maurice Bazin, et al.
Quipu Activity
"Quipus: The Inca Counting System," pp.35-45

Scale and the Incas

by Andrew James Hamilton
(this is a book I don't have, but wish I had!)

Then, when Monday's WORDLE was "guano," I thought to myself, that's a very unusual spelling pattern for English. And I looked up its language of origin... Quechua (Inca) huanu "dung." I remembered that a few years ago Doug Harper and Gina Cooke did an online etymology conference (during COVID) about New World Words. So I thought I'd search through etymonline for words that come from, or are connected to, the Quechua language.

Here is the list:

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1 comment:

Renee said...

I've also made a post of modern-day words with Aztec roots: