Wednesday, April 12, 2023


Today we started Mycology in Science Club. So now we have the dog, the rabbit, the incubator full of chicken eggs, the Amish Friendship Bread starter AND a Pink Oyster Mushroom Kit... all living and growing in my house!

Mycology in the Waldorf Scope & Sequence

Wednesday, Apr 12

    explain that Fungus is its own Kingdom

    review Linnaean Classification (Kings Play Chess On Fine Grains of Sand) and go through KPCOFGS with humans (Homo sapiens)

    show the bag of Amish Friendship Bread starter and explain what we fed it with yesterday (1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk), look at the bubbles, discuss what yeast does for bread dough

    get a cold jar of yeast from the fridge, pour some out onto the tabletop and observe it (nothing happens)

    let children know that next week they will each get a portion of dormant yeast and they can do an experiment to see if they can get it to wake up

    discuss other examples of Fungi (mold, mushrooms)

    open new Pink Oyster Mushroom Grow Kit

    pass out new Science Club notebooks (Rite in Rain paper) and sketch the mushroom grow kit as it looks now

    let children go out into the yard and sketch something that they think is in the Fungus Kingdom

    next week we will have them each show what they drew and explain why they think it's in the kingdom

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