Thursday, August 7, 2008

Running Shoes and Other Ramblings

RUNNING SHOES WASTE NATURAL ENERGY OF FEET -- well, apparently I'm right about something with a more elastic sole.

Zola Budd, one of the world's top middle-distance runners, runs barefoot.

However, the article goes on to say, the researchers do not advocate running with no shoes at all. (I wonder who funded their study?)

Running barefoot is certainly cheaper than buying an expensive new pair of biodegradable running shoes ($140). FREE is always good! I have back problems, though, so is it really a good idea...

"Running barefoot is associated with a substantially lower prevalence of acute injuries of the ankle and chronic injuries of the lower leg in developing countries, but well-designed studies of the effects of barefoot and shod running on injury are lacking. Laboratory studies show that the energy cost of running is reduced by about 4% when the feet are not shod. In spite of these apparent benefits, barefoot running is rare in competition, and there are no published controlled trials of the effects of running barefoot on simulated or real competitive performance."

I guess I could always try it and see if I like it.

Tune in for tomorrow's edition where I step on a wasp (just kidding).

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