Sunday, February 16, 2020

Photos from the Classroom - December

Getting caught up on Photos....

setting up the Nature table for the first week of Advent
with beautiful stones

our new Roman Arch from Nienhuis

giving a friend a lesson on making knitting needles

assembling a map of the world --  the pentagon pieces 
prevent the continent shapes from being too distorted
(from the National Geographic Global Pursuit board game)

plural vs. collective nouns

working on beautiful batiks
for our Legends of Hawaii class play

yes, the kids unwrapped and melted 
hundreds of crayons for this

the egg in which Hi'iaka was carried to the Hawai'ian
Islands by her sister Pele

hanging orange bird feeders for the birds

working outside on a beautiful Winter day
at Dayempur Farm

planting garlic

building straw paths

time to string cranberries & popcorn!

this is a project for the "littles"

but all ages come to help!

who can resist freshly-popped popcorn

the colors are just so pretty

we take them outside and hang them in the trees

at snack we check and see if what they say in Farmer Boy
is true... that a glass of popcorn fits into a glass of milk

it does, but you have to proceed slowly

Zac makes rope the old-fashioned way
at the Harrison-Bruce Historical Village

crank and crank and crank some more

almost done!

a looong mat for a looong multipication problem

building our beautiful Advent spiral

reviewing the Phases of the Moon 
since they play a big part in one Hawaiian Legend

painting props and set pieces
the creation of the trees

the creation of the food plants

building a paper mache volcano
(which really erupts during the play)

designing and painting masks

adding antlers to the Forest Demon mask

celebrating Santa Lucia Day!

the older girl is always the Lucia

assembling and painting our backdrop panels
a BUSY afternoon!

making numbers with the Golden Bead Material

playing mancala

Roman Numerals
our beautiful wooden numerals are from Hello Wood

indoor "snow" sensory play
just mix shaving cream and baking soda

it even feels cold to the touch... amazing

when needed, students can trade tiles back into the box
to borrow or regroup

practicing indoors for our Advent Spiral Walk

a lesson at the Farm on how to start a fire

the whole group is fascinated

if you build it correctly, it only takes ONE match


working on present-making

one last Sensory Play activity
before we leave for Winter Break

it so so much fun to sqeeze warm water on them
to soften and loose them

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1 comment:

Renee said...

Yes, we did. There are three blog posts from December called "Class Play Planning." These have all of the details.