Monday, February 13, 2023

Week 17 Notes

World Religions Week 3

January was a really interesting month! The older children had a block on World Religions, and the younger children had a block of Jataka Tales.

We start each day with SSR and then have a Morning Meeting at 9:30 am that includes our Land Acknowledgement, Announcements, and Goal Setting. We have Morning Math and then Snack (with a story), which is at 10:15 am.

After Morning Work Time we have Lunch (with a story) at 11:30 am and then the children go out for Recess from noon to 1 pm. Next we come together for another Goal Setting Meeting and then move on into Afternoon Work Time.

At 2:45 pm the children write in their Plan Books to document what they did that day.

    Reading - 1/2 hr - 9 am to 9:30 am
    Math - 1/2 hr - 9:45 am to 10:15 am
    Morning Work Time - 1 hr - 10:30 am to 11:30 am

    Afternoon Work Time - 1 1/2 hr - 1:15 pm to 2:45 pm

Monday, Jan 16


    Morning Math: Pterodactyls - play Pick-up Sticks, calculate score using Colored Bead Bars

    Morning Math: Plastic Utensils

    Nature - color the Weather Tree, water seedlings

    Snack - read The Fantastic Adventures of Krishna by Demi

    Jataka Tales - colored pencil illustration of elephant story from The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth, rough draft sentence, get edit, write sentence in MLB

    World Religions - do Brahma the Creator Story & Creation Painting for MLB

    finish rough draft of Hinduism, get an edit, add to MLB, review the Hinduism three part cards

    Read Aloud - continue The Cat Who Went to Heaven by Elizabeth Coatsworth (water buffalo chapter)

    Outdoor Play Time

    Knitting - kitten, chicken, lamb

    Board Games - Pengoloo

Tuesday, Jan 17

Wednesday, Jan 18

Thursday, Jan 19

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