Sunday, June 10, 2018

P&P June 10

Usually Zac has Tinkergarten on Saturday afternoons but thunderstorms were threatening yesterday so his class got moved to 11 am this morning. That meant a shorter Circle Time. However, when we got to Tinkergarten the session was also about flower explorations, so it worked out quite well.

Circle Time

"A Ram Sam Sam" and "Song for the Sun"
from the Seven Times the Sun CD

"Good Morning Dear Earth" verse and movements

Buzzing Bee yoga pose
from Fly Like a Butterfly: Yoga for Children

listen to "Bumble Bee" song
from the Let Us Form a Ring CD, CD 1, track 45
while I spread out the beehives and bees and tongs on the sunflower quilt and we buzzed them around and flew them to their homes

we discussed how the honey which the bees make has a different taste depending on what kind of flowers they visit

look at honeycomb

taste different kinds of honey (clover, neem, orange blossom)

Then we put on our shoes and went out and found a clover patch in our yard. We sat in it and looked at the clover blossoms and the leaves. I read him "Mother Earth and the Clover Children" from Suzanne Down's Summer Tales, page 56. Then we went to Tinkergarten where we got to take apart tiger lilies and look at them up close. We just did this a few days ago with our magnolia blossoms, which are beautiful right now! And we used newspaper pulp and zinnia seeds to make seed balls, which was an absolutely perfect follow-up to our papermaking explorations last week.

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