Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Compass Worksheet PDF

The older students in our homeschool co-op are doing a Mapmaking block (this is a combination of grade 4 Local History & Geography and grade 8 World Geography). Here are two books I recommend for a Mapmaking block:

Charting the World: Geography and Maps from Cave Paintings to GPS

by Richard Panchyk

Mapping the World with Art

by Ellen Johnston McHenry

This block is mostly freehand map drawing using McHenry's book, but I also have lots of ideas for other map-related activities we can do. Yesterday I was looking up simple printable activities for practicing the directions on a compass rose. We ended up designing our own activity -- the Word Find Game -- but I wanted to keep track here of some of the resources I found.

Hint: If you're looking for a worksheet for something, put "PDF" in the search request. Here are some things that came up for "compass worksheet PDF":

I should also share that Hello Wood makes a beautiful Compass Rose Puzzle.

Today we also made a Floating Compass, a favorite activity! Next week we are going to move into using a compass and doing some orienteering.

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