Monday, September 26, 2022

Week Three Photos

These photos go with the post Week Three Notes (week of Sep 19).


why make a box fort...

when you can make a box slide?

or box clothing?

the children are fascinated by the life of Hildegard of Bingen

our rainbow of brand new craft wire!

while we silently listen to her amazing music, we shape the wire into forms

the Pterodactyls are thrilled that the lowercase f in this book looks just like the one they had been taught to make in Chancery Script

The Alphabet by Reg Down

we work on the emblem < u > letters

the flat top of these letters keeps the style consistent throughout the script

< d > is part of this emblem and is formed beginning with a "push"

< b > is part of a separate group of letters, and is formed completely differently... which helps keep children from getting them mixed up

in English, the < q > is always followed by a < u >, so we make a "flick" at the end of the q to create a cozy little spot for it to sit in  

"the q holds its u"

on Tuesday the Pterodactyls head to the farm to work, to play, and to swim in the pond!

but back at the house the Plastic Utensils have a special treat of their own

the butterflies are eclosing!  seven so far...

time for some Nature sketching

the eighth one comes out of its chrysalis

 and we are there to see it happen!

butterflies that form chrysalides on the wooden lid need to be moved to the milkweed; they have an instinct to climb and get higher before taking off

we learn how to tell if a monarch is a male or female

these illustrations are from Laurence Pringle's book An Extraordinary Life

sometimes they just want to walk up your shirt

a few go with the brick wall option 

the first flight of the monarch inspires our Alexander Calder-style mobile

they plan to create 12 shapes in all

this prototype will be made four times in silver wire, with a thread and an abstract shape attached to the end of each prong

the goldenrod is in bloom and ready for harvest

it will be perfect for the Apothecary report!

we hang some bundles to dry

and put some in the oven with just the pilot light on

it dries very quickly that way!

on Wednesday, five more monarchs eclose

we decide to harvest some more fresh goldenrod blossoms and see if they will make a dye

we put the jar in the hot sun and leave it for several days

the younger children have their turn to sketch the monarchs

and when that's done, the table is perfect for board games!

the Multi-Base Bead Frame

the first portion of the butterfly mobile is done

when we learn the emblem < n > letters, the pathways are a bit like a bouncing ball, so of course we read "King John's Christmas" by A.A. Milne!

a hunt for ant lions

I have sand ready to go in case we find one!

quiet Independent Work Time

today's Art activity is sculptures with Found Objects

by Patricia Geis

our Beautiful Stuff boxes

and our wire collection

some children work on adding more to the boxes

and some create sculptures

a sunflower

he's very pleased because his "star" also looks like a dog!

a Christmas tree

a bird

a person

the Pterodactyls and I switch to using the whiteboard out back by the mud kitchen for our Script lessons

this works better than using the chalkboard because then the Art Room is available for the other group

we carefully copy short poems from Lemonade and Other Poems Squeezed from a Single Word

and then illustrate them
we begin with this poem because every letter stays within the x height

these poems work well because they use only a few letters, so the children aren't overwhelmed

our second poem allows us to practice the ascender and the descender

I also have some shiny foil ladybug stickers which will be perfect for the illustrations!

Language Arts work for the Plastic Utensils is a SWI lesson 

they create many different word sums for the bound base < equ >

< equinox > is made up of two bases with a connecting vowel letter < i > as the affix;

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