Thursday, September 15, 2022

J is for Jellyfish

This month in Recitation, we are learning the Not Really Jelly poem from Water Sings Blue: Ocean Poems by Kate Coombs.

In Penmanship, the younger students began their Chancery Script lessons with the Single Vertical Downstroke letters (l, t, i, j, f).

day 1 - review the capital letters on blue line paper, wash fountain pen nibs

day 2 - put ink cartridges in fountain pens, practice markmaking

day 3 - enjoy cooked spaghetti & water sensory bin, learn the five letters

day 4 - make jellyfish artwork with one j-shaped tentacle & one dot on bell

For these lovely paintings, we used watercolor paper, liquid watercolors, a brush, Prang Ambrite Paper Chalks, rubbing alcohol, and an eyedropper.

Not Really Jelly

You’re not really jelly,
you’re not really fish—
you’re free-floating noodles
escaped from a dish,
all slither and jiggle
and tremble and squish.

Of course, having the teacher wear a jellyfish hat is completely optional. But totally fun!

If you're looking for ideas for the Waldorf First Grade Capital Letters block, join my course! And I also have a Second Grade Lowercase Letters course which will teach you how to make all of the letters in Chancery Script. Enjoy!

NOTE: I just found a "Jellyfish" poem in Animal Poems by Valerie Worth.

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