Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Ernest Lloyd Raboff

Well, Zac is 7 and so here we are.

I probably should have done all this searching before I taught him his letters but...

I've looked through all my fiction titles for books that are in ALL CAPS (for the summer between Waldorf grade 1 and Waldorf grade 2), and am now on to the nonfiction titles. So far, my list of books in ALL CAPS is up to 23, and I just found two lovely books about famous artists.

I'm particularly excited about the Henri Rousseau book because it looks to me like that's Ernest Raboff's style of writing, and not something he adopted just for that one book. So I am going to list the Art for Children titles he did... if anyone has any of them, can you check them and see if they are in ALL CAPS? I purchased a lot of the Hervé Tullet books I found a few days ago because I could see some photos of the inside pages, and I knew they were ALL CAPS, but I can't do that with the Raboff books. I'd love it if someone had one and could answer this question! There are 16 titles in the series. Thank you!!!

Art for Children

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