Photos from the beginning of November:
sorting work
a favorite task!
look what I found!
categorizing is now thought to be the most important
higher order thinking skill
not to mention all the communication skills
that the two of them are practicing right now
the tiniest pieces are the most fun to find
look at that beautiful pincer grasp
sooo many skills in such a simple activity!
Zac works with creating equal lengths
the challenge of balancing blocks
Sentence Analysis
the Indirect Object (working chart ii)
our Backyard Biome tapestry is nearly complete!
winding sticks with yarn
the coordination of this task requires a lot
of concentration
reading the daily lunchbox joke
the Preposition Circus
"stick fighting about the room"
"going under the silk"
a very cheerful group bow
they had a blast doing this activity
and acted out 11 prepositional phrases for us to enjoy
taking each piece out carefully and placing it on the
Ms. Jamie helps us strain our homemade kombucha
and we add fresh ginger to our jasmine tea for ferment #2
everyone wants to touch the SCOBY
college visits...
yarn wrapping work of a new variety
we are loving all these cool wooden shapes
sorting crayons by color for the batik project
and unwrapping each and every one
graph paper multiplication
the last step before abstraction
a long multiplication problem with the Stamp Game
adding the front cover to the Capital Letters book
Sentence Analysis Working Chart iii
adjectives for the subject, DO, or IO
adjectives modifying the subject
adjectives modifying both the direct and indirect objects
adjectives modifying the subject and direct object
our beautiful shaving cream marblized leaves
pushing the persimmon pulp through a strainer
the large seeds
this set is Oceania
ready to check their work against the control
giving a Stamp Game multiplication lesson to a friend
our kombucha is looking awesome
time to strain and let ferment a few days more
introductory fraction work
adding fractions to the MLB
numeration tells "how many"
denominator tells "what kind"
a Science & Grammar lesson in one
making sentences with word cards
color coded to the Montessori symbols for parts of speech
bringing in the chunk of ice from the bird bath
sprinkling salt to see if it will melt faster
hmmm... cold
yes, the salt is making a difference!
for tactile discrimination
making factor trees in the most fun way possible
adding fractions with common denominators
trilobite artwork in Science Club
today's chunk of birdbath ice is all set up
for watercolor painting
oooh... it makes purple
yes, they spent an hour on this activity
if you add salt too, you get wonderful designs
then it was time to fill the bird feeders
being extremely careful of course
they took this pouring work quite seriously
our Chopped Salad instead of Stone Soup
(Stone Salad just doesn't have the same ring to it)
broccoli stamped trees
they turned out to be so lovely
sewing up her knitted chicken
weaving on the tapestry loom
"Newt," our sourdough starter
is going strong and absolutely ready to bake with!
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